There's a storm off in the distance. It's raining really hard outside my room window. I'm just working on some homework listening to the pitter-patter of rain and the sound of a practicing trumpet-player on the floor below me. It's very nice.
Now I am off to a private hors d'oeuvres reception with FOX News Political Analyst Fred Barnes (shnazzy, i know). But it should be pretty cool, as long as he doesn't ask me any questions about my political views...
haha, so there's a little update on the little things of life here at Messiah. It's raining really hard now, and I have to walk to the library. Jeepers.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
31 Days Later
I guess this is turning into a weekly thing...
Once again, here I am on a quiet Sunday afternoon trying to summarize an entire week at college. Only today is different. Today marks exactly one month since that fateful day our parents got back into their cars and drove away. So much has happened; so much has changed. In thirty-one days, I've made more acquaintances than you could shake a stick at, my body has survived almost 100 assaults from Hurricane Lottie (Lottie being the cafeteria), I've rock-climbed, played at one chapel and lead one bonfire worship night, redecorated my room many times, done laundry (three times, mom and dad!), eaten WAY too much, slept the perfect amount (, gone to many classes and stayed awake in all of them, missed my family, aced a Spanish test, listened to hours of music, spent hours trying to keep in touch with friends and family, received a few significant packages in the mail (including cookies, magazines, letters, shirts, and music), watched many movies, swum hundreds upon hundreds of lengths, played not-enough guitar, gone to church 5 times (thrice to the same one), played at one coffeehouse, explained to hundreds of people why I came from Canada (and sometimes where Canada is), left campus 4 times, gone shopping twice, missed Katrina many times, and made friendships that I know will last for years.
I feel as if I've lived a lifetime these past thirty-one days. It's almost as if I could just go home now and spend years recalling "those good-ol' college days." But I would never. For every awesome experience I've already had, there are so many more to come. I've started to consider my plans for the next few years, actually... which will probably include at least one semester in Philadelphia (maybe two), and one in Australia. And then there are other amazing opportunities awaiting me with music, concerts, worship, student activities, friends, trips, and even schoolwork. So even though it is tough at times to be so far from home with so many strangers, there is so much to thank God for and so much to look forward to. I've been blessed with so many great friendships and opportunities here, and even more comforting, I know I have many loved ones at home who love me all the same even when I am not around.
This past weekend Messiah College hosted what they call "Family Weekend." So, as the name suggests, dorms and buildings everywhere were full of smiling parents and curious children. As my family does not actually live in the same country as me (.. that's a weird thought..) they couldn't make it. But I got to hang out with some of my friends' families which was a blast. haha and when we went out to dinner my roommate, Austine, surprised me by telling the waiters of Texas Roadhouse that it was my birthday. So they came around singing, hoisted me onto a saddle and got the whole restaurant to yell "Yee-haw!" I just awkwardly played along..
And then this morning we all went to the same church as we have the past two weeks; our church-shopping endeavours didn't really last very long. I really like this church Christian Life Assembly, though, so it's nice to wake up every Sunday knowing that you'll be going to a vibrant church with genuine worship and passionate speaking. And any of you that can appreciate a rousing chorus from a massive choir would love this church. Boy, can their band play and singers sing!
Anyways, I think that's all I have to say for now. Other than a couple short fits of feeling sorry for myself (missing home and Katrina), things have been amazing. Oh, actually, on Monday Austin found out he has mono. So that was sort of depressing for him and startling for me. We've been really careful and he's been doing really well, but if you get a chance to pray for him (and for me too..) that would be much appreciated. Oh and swim team practices start up in full swing at 5:45 AM tomorrow morning, so that will be a tiny-bit of an energy-drain. But fear not, my faithful readers, I will not forget you! I will try to post again sometime this week (with pictures).
Okay, I need to go eat. Love you all!
-- josh
Once again, here I am on a quiet Sunday afternoon trying to summarize an entire week at college. Only today is different. Today marks exactly one month since that fateful day our parents got back into their cars and drove away. So much has happened; so much has changed. In thirty-one days, I've made more acquaintances than you could shake a stick at, my body has survived almost 100 assaults from Hurricane Lottie (Lottie being the cafeteria), I've rock-climbed, played at one chapel and lead one bonfire worship night, redecorated my room many times, done laundry (three times, mom and dad!), eaten WAY too much, slept the perfect amount (, gone to many classes and stayed awake in all of them, missed my family, aced a Spanish test, listened to hours of music, spent hours trying to keep in touch with friends and family, received a few significant packages in the mail (including cookies, magazines, letters, shirts, and music), watched many movies, swum hundreds upon hundreds of lengths, played not-enough guitar, gone to church 5 times (thrice to the same one), played at one coffeehouse, explained to hundreds of people why I came from Canada (and sometimes where Canada is), left campus 4 times, gone shopping twice, missed Katrina many times, and made friendships that I know will last for years.
I feel as if I've lived a lifetime these past thirty-one days. It's almost as if I could just go home now and spend years recalling "those good-ol' college days." But I would never. For every awesome experience I've already had, there are so many more to come. I've started to consider my plans for the next few years, actually... which will probably include at least one semester in Philadelphia (maybe two), and one in Australia. And then there are other amazing opportunities awaiting me with music, concerts, worship, student activities, friends, trips, and even schoolwork. So even though it is tough at times to be so far from home with so many strangers, there is so much to thank God for and so much to look forward to. I've been blessed with so many great friendships and opportunities here, and even more comforting, I know I have many loved ones at home who love me all the same even when I am not around.
This past weekend Messiah College hosted what they call "Family Weekend." So, as the name suggests, dorms and buildings everywhere were full of smiling parents and curious children. As my family does not actually live in the same country as me (.. that's a weird thought..) they couldn't make it. But I got to hang out with some of my friends' families which was a blast. haha and when we went out to dinner my roommate, Austine, surprised me by telling the waiters of Texas Roadhouse that it was my birthday. So they came around singing, hoisted me onto a saddle and got the whole restaurant to yell "Yee-haw!" I just awkwardly played along..
And then this morning we all went to the same church as we have the past two weeks; our church-shopping endeavours didn't really last very long. I really like this church Christian Life Assembly, though, so it's nice to wake up every Sunday knowing that you'll be going to a vibrant church with genuine worship and passionate speaking. And any of you that can appreciate a rousing chorus from a massive choir would love this church. Boy, can their band play and singers sing!
Anyways, I think that's all I have to say for now. Other than a couple short fits of feeling sorry for myself (missing home and Katrina), things have been amazing. Oh, actually, on Monday Austin found out he has mono. So that was sort of depressing for him and startling for me. We've been really careful and he's been doing really well, but if you get a chance to pray for him (and for me too..) that would be much appreciated. Oh and swim team practices start up in full swing at 5:45 AM tomorrow morning, so that will be a tiny-bit of an energy-drain. But fear not, my faithful readers, I will not forget you! I will try to post again sometime this week (with pictures).
Okay, I need to go eat. Love you all!
-- josh
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thanks to You.. I Still Remember .. My Favourite Book ..
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the room now. Feast your eyes:

I need to clarify: the picture does not do the room justice at all. The desks are in a prime location now, my stereo has a place of prominence (on my desk), the T.V. can be seen easily from both of our beds, the fridge is out of the way yet accessible, we bought a lamp for $8.99 from Target, and the beds are ... well, they are 'one.' Perfect for watching a movie with company, slumber parties with the boys, and those chilly winter nights! Ha ha and perhaps best of all, we got a new roommate!

He's hiding under the tree. Don't worry, he's well taken care of, he's just a little bit self-conscious (his face looks sort of squished.. we assume he was in a bad fight in his childhood. Little rascal.)
Hmm.. so this has taken a long time to write. I need to move on with some other work that is substantially less significant to me, but also terribly necessary. Right now I am listening to a mix CD from my lovely girlfriend in another country. That's right, she sent me a package in the mail with pictures and stickers and a novel-letter and two CDs of music special to us! So yeah, if any of you are privileged enough to see her any time soon, please give her a big hug from me.
In closing, things are amazing here. It's great to feel valued as more than just a number or a name, and I'm starting to feel like I sort of matter. I've been really encouraged this week hearing talks about the Philadelphia Campus and Study Abroad opportunities available to us here. I'm spending a semester (maybe two) in Philly, and another semester (maybe two) abroad somewhere. Ha.. but I can't very easily spend four semesters away from main campus when I'm getting so involved here. hmm.. oh well. There are worse predicaments to face.
Once again, thanks for the support and prayers. Feel free to tell your friends about this little blog. I have no idea who reads this, so I would like to send a shout-out to my two most loyal readers: Mom and Dad. :)
Love love love love!
Well, it's been an entire week since my last post. Time is starting to fly by.. finally. It still feels like I've been here for months, but at the same time, every week is over in a heartbeat. I think that is because I am starting to find myself getting pretty busy. I have swim team conditioning practices (hundreds of push-ups and thousands of lengths... roughly) every day for two hours. So that keeps me occupied.. and sore. Then there is Men's Ensemble, evening meetings for different clubs, lots of new friendships, and schoolwork. I also had the privilege of playing at a First-Year Chapel service this past Thursday morning! They threw together a little crew of First-Year students (freshman is no longer politically correct) including me on guitar and another girl on piano. We played a few hymns and a rousing anthem of "They'll know we are Christians by our love." Ha ha it was pretty nice to 'get my foot in the door,' so to speak.
Actually, something interesting did happen as a result of that. Right before the service, I got approached by the guy who heads up all the first-year activities. He told me that they are having a bonfire for all first-years on Sunday night with some worship. He then asked me to lead it. Well, suffice it to say that I was simultaneously thrilled and shocked. I mean, I was completely honoured .. er.. honored ... to have been asked, but shocked that I was asked. No one here has ever even heard me sing apart from one coffeehouse 3 weeks ago. But, regardless, I've picked some songs and practiced a little for a campfire worship service with potentially 500 people later this evening. If you read this before then, I'd appreciate some prayers!
In other news, there has been a major remodelling in Witmer B317. My roommate, Austin, and I spent hours yesterday cleaning and moving furniture. Frustrated with the lack of creativity in our default room set-up we went on an interior decorating rampage. We honestly tried every combination of furniture arrangements possible. Finally we settled on something that, quite inexplicably, just fit. Here's a picture of the room on the day we moved in:

Everybody, meet Leonidus the Betta fish:
He's hiding under the tree. Don't worry, he's well taken care of, he's just a little bit self-conscious (his face looks sort of squished.. we assume he was in a bad fight in his childhood. Little rascal.)
Hmm.. so this has taken a long time to write. I need to move on with some other work that is substantially less significant to me, but also terribly necessary. Right now I am listening to a mix CD from my lovely girlfriend in another country. That's right, she sent me a package in the mail with pictures and stickers and a novel-letter and two CDs of music special to us! So yeah, if any of you are privileged enough to see her any time soon, please give her a big hug from me.
In closing, things are amazing here. It's great to feel valued as more than just a number or a name, and I'm starting to feel like I sort of matter. I've been really encouraged this week hearing talks about the Philadelphia Campus and Study Abroad opportunities available to us here. I'm spending a semester (maybe two) in Philly, and another semester (maybe two) abroad somewhere. Ha.. but I can't very easily spend four semesters away from main campus when I'm getting so involved here. hmm.. oh well. There are worse predicaments to face.
Once again, thanks for the support and prayers. Feel free to tell your friends about this little blog. I have no idea who reads this, so I would like to send a shout-out to my two most loyal readers: Mom and Dad. :)
Love love love love!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Writer's Blo...g
What you are reading right now took me quite a while to write... and I can't even guarantee that it will make sense. I'm struggling to figure out what one is supposed to write in a blog. On the one hand, I feel like I am simply writing to myself -- in an online journal of sorts. But, in reality, anything I divulge is published and potentially revealed to millions of casual internet browsers. Now, I am not saying that any more than perhaps 5 or 6 people will read this, but the point is I am going to have to find the fine balance between writing about personal matters and providing what you really want to know -- the finer details of college life. ... but there I go again talking to myself. I'm just gonna start writing for real now:
It is Sunday night. The end of an all-too-short weekend, which was in itself the end of an all-too-long week. But I shouldn't complain. My classes are really easy, the homework-load is relatively light (so far), and all around, things have been consistently improving every day since I got here. I've made some pretty solid friendships and my routine is ... well, actually it's not much of a routine at all. My daily schedule always has an appropriate mix of work and play... and sometimes even a little bit of sleep... sometimes.
A weekend at college:
This weekend was pretty fun. On Friday a few of us took our friend, Lauren, to the airport for a wedding in Texas on the weekend. And then we just sort of bummed around.. watched 74 episodes of Friends...and then Dumb and Dumber. Classic. Umm.. and then Sat. morning I slept in until roughly noon (a new 'skill' I've just acquired), and then a bunch of us went shopping at a nearby mall. I bought some nifty little things... but I don't mean 'little' in size, Dad. And I used a credit card for the first time. It was pretty ... exciting, I guess. Except when I had to sign and my signature looked like something a two-year-old would draw.. with a crayon.. in their mouth. Oh well. I'll work on it. And then Sat. night there was a concert on campus featuring a singer named Ingrid Michaelson. It was really good, actually! It was a sweet performance and it got me really excited about the fact that I have four years of concerts at Messiah to look forward to! For only five bucks each!! Anndd then I got to talk to Ty and Dan (at Brock right now) and then Katrina for a little bit.. and then I went to bed. And it was only 10:30 ... ish.
Church was really good on Sunday morning. We went to a mega-church of sorts (Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill, PA). I was skeptical at first, expecting another seeker-sensitive service with fake smiles and a feel-good sermon. I was, however, pleasantly disappointed. The worship was (amazing with a massive choir, tight band, and orchestra) really sincere and the message was, of all things, highly critical of seeker-sensitive mega-churches. Go figure. Here are some quotes from the sermon, which was one part of a series called "the Big Serve":
"Serving is love in action"
"Christians seem to like services more than serving... We like to be fed more than we like to feed."
"Serving, for a genuine Christ-follower, is NOT an option."
"Christian belief that costs you nothing is worth nothing"
So that was that. A great service. Great church. I'll definitely go back.. but I'll keep shopping for now.
Anndd then the afternoon was sort of rough. I missed Katrina a lot. There were visiting boy/girlfriends everywhere. Lots of reunited couples on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I smiled outside, seethed inside -- unfairly resenting the blissful lovers for no fault of their own. BUT I'm feeling better now. Anndd I will save the real gushy stuff for my own personal (and yet unfortunately neglected) journal.
Alright, I need to sleep now. And whatever the time stamp on this post is.. it must be wrong.
If you are reading this, I love you.
More on life later,
It is Sunday night. The end of an all-too-short weekend, which was in itself the end of an all-too-long week. But I shouldn't complain. My classes are really easy, the homework-load is relatively light (so far), and all around, things have been consistently improving every day since I got here. I've made some pretty solid friendships and my routine is ... well, actually it's not much of a routine at all. My daily schedule always has an appropriate mix of work and play... and sometimes even a little bit of sleep... sometimes.
A weekend at college:
This weekend was pretty fun. On Friday a few of us took our friend, Lauren, to the airport for a wedding in Texas on the weekend. And then we just sort of bummed around.. watched 74 episodes of Friends...and then Dumb and Dumber. Classic. Umm.. and then Sat. morning I slept in until roughly noon (a new 'skill' I've just acquired), and then a bunch of us went shopping at a nearby mall. I bought some nifty little things... but I don't mean 'little' in size, Dad. And I used a credit card for the first time. It was pretty ... exciting, I guess. Except when I had to sign and my signature looked like something a two-year-old would draw.. with a crayon.. in their mouth. Oh well. I'll work on it. And then Sat. night there was a concert on campus featuring a singer named Ingrid Michaelson. It was really good, actually! It was a sweet performance and it got me really excited about the fact that I have four years of concerts at Messiah to look forward to! For only five bucks each!! Anndd then I got to talk to Ty and Dan (at Brock right now) and then Katrina for a little bit.. and then I went to bed. And it was only 10:30 ... ish.
Church was really good on Sunday morning. We went to a mega-church of sorts (Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill, PA). I was skeptical at first, expecting another seeker-sensitive service with fake smiles and a feel-good sermon. I was, however, pleasantly disappointed. The worship was (amazing with a massive choir, tight band, and orchestra) really sincere and the message was, of all things, highly critical of seeker-sensitive mega-churches. Go figure. Here are some quotes from the sermon, which was one part of a series called "the Big Serve":
"Serving is love in action"
"Christians seem to like services more than serving... We like to be fed more than we like to feed."
"Serving, for a genuine Christ-follower, is NOT an option."
"Christian belief that costs you nothing is worth nothing"
So that was that. A great service. Great church. I'll definitely go back.. but I'll keep shopping for now.
Anndd then the afternoon was sort of rough. I missed Katrina a lot. There were visiting boy/girlfriends everywhere. Lots of reunited couples on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I smiled outside, seethed inside -- unfairly resenting the blissful lovers for no fault of their own. BUT I'm feeling better now. Anndd I will save the real gushy stuff for my own personal (and yet unfortunately neglected) journal.
Alright, I need to sleep now. And whatever the time stamp on this post is.. it must be wrong.
If you are reading this, I love you.
More on life later,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here it Goes!
Well, I'm a college kid now and, being such, I have many adventures to be had and stories to be told. Life is a whirlwind right now -- full of new and exciting experiences as I am beginning what many have told me will be the best time of my life. New friends are amazing, professors are genuine and passionate, and the school is constantly throwing fun events and activities at us from every direction. The way I see it, if someone is not having the time of their life here at Messiah College, it's their own fault.
So, you might ask, what could possibly be the problem with being thrust into such an incredible new community? Well, quite simply, it is absence of the everything I've known before now: my closest friends since childhood, my house and room and toys (a.k.a. instruments), my old job, the familiarity of church and the awesome serving experiences there, my amazing family, my amazing girlfriend, the routine and pace of life at home, things I used to do and places I used to go, and even (strange, I know) Yorkland. I miss all of it. In the frenzy of life people call college, we are all forced to adjust to a new way of living. And, although this new way is tremendously fun and admittedly inevitable, there is still something in all of us that wants to go back to the way things were... or at least in me. But I know I'm here for a purpose, and I know God has amazing things in store over these next four years; I've already caught a glimpse of some of them. I'm so grateful to be here, and I'm so appreciative of everyone who helped me get here.
So in light of the ever-present danger of falling out of touch with everyone and everything, I've decided to expand my communicative efforts to reach the broadest audience possible with the most information possible. I've never done a blog before, but I'm pretty excited, actually. (Thanks Mom for the prompt!) I will try to update it as consistently as I can, and feel free to comment or just to send me an email if you have any questions about anything. Thanks, Katrina, for the catchy title. You are still the cheese to my macaroni.
Thanks for reading this. I love you alll! Oh, and although blogging is a predominantly one-sided mode of communication, I still want to hear from YOU! So send me emails, write me letters, send me food, send me money (just joshin'...), or, if you've been inspired, start your OWN blog! How 'bout that?
More on life later,
So, you might ask, what could possibly be the problem with being thrust into such an incredible new community? Well, quite simply, it is absence of the everything I've known before now: my closest friends since childhood, my house and room and toys (a.k.a. instruments), my old job, the familiarity of church and the awesome serving experiences there, my amazing family, my amazing girlfriend, the routine and pace of life at home, things I used to do and places I used to go, and even (strange, I know) Yorkland. I miss all of it. In the frenzy of life people call college, we are all forced to adjust to a new way of living. And, although this new way is tremendously fun and admittedly inevitable, there is still something in all of us that wants to go back to the way things were... or at least in me. But I know I'm here for a purpose, and I know God has amazing things in store over these next four years; I've already caught a glimpse of some of them. I'm so grateful to be here, and I'm so appreciative of everyone who helped me get here.
So in light of the ever-present danger of falling out of touch with everyone and everything, I've decided to expand my communicative efforts to reach the broadest audience possible with the most information possible. I've never done a blog before, but I'm pretty excited, actually. (Thanks Mom for the prompt!) I will try to update it as consistently as I can, and feel free to comment or just to send me an email if you have any questions about anything. Thanks, Katrina, for the catchy title. You are still the cheese to my macaroni.
Thanks for reading this. I love you alll! Oh, and although blogging is a predominantly one-sided mode of communication, I still want to hear from YOU! So send me emails, write me letters, send me food, send me money (just joshin'...), or, if you've been inspired, start your OWN blog! How 'bout that?
More on life later,
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