Sunday, September 14, 2008

Writer's Blo...g

What you are reading right now took me quite a while to write... and I can't even guarantee that it will make sense. I'm struggling to figure out what one is supposed to write in a blog. On the one hand, I feel like I am simply writing to myself -- in an online journal of sorts. But, in reality, anything I divulge is published and potentially revealed to millions of casual internet browsers. Now, I am not saying that any more than perhaps 5 or 6 people will read this, but the point is I am going to have to find the fine balance between writing about personal matters and providing what you really want to know -- the finer details of college life. ... but there I go again talking to myself. I'm just gonna start writing for real now:

It is Sunday night. The end of an all-too-short weekend, which was in itself the end of an all-too-long week. But I shouldn't complain. My classes are really easy, the homework-load is relatively light (so far), and all around, things have been consistently improving every day since I got here. I've made some pretty solid friendships and my routine is ... well, actually it's not much of a routine at all. My daily schedule always has an appropriate mix of work and play... and sometimes even a little bit of sleep... sometimes.

A weekend at college:
This weekend was pretty fun. On Friday a few of us took our friend, Lauren, to the airport for a wedding in Texas on the weekend. And then we just sort of bummed around.. watched 74 episodes of Friends...and then Dumb and Dumber. Classic. Umm.. and then Sat. morning I slept in until roughly noon (a new 'skill' I've just acquired), and then a bunch of us went shopping at a nearby mall. I bought some nifty little things... but I don't mean 'little' in size, Dad. And I used a credit card for the first time. It was pretty ... exciting, I guess. Except when I had to sign and my signature looked like something a two-year-old would draw.. with a crayon.. in their mouth. Oh well. I'll work on it. And then Sat. night there was a concert on campus featuring a singer named Ingrid Michaelson. It was really good, actually! It was a sweet performance and it got me really excited about the fact that I have four years of concerts at Messiah to look forward to! For only five bucks each!! Anndd then I got to talk to Ty and Dan (at Brock right now) and then Katrina for a little bit.. and then I went to bed. And it was only 10:30 ... ish.

Church was really good on Sunday morning. We went to a mega-church of sorts (Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill, PA). I was skeptical at first, expecting another seeker-sensitive service with fake smiles and a feel-good sermon. I was, however, pleasantly disappointed. The worship was (amazing with a massive choir, tight band, and orchestra) really sincere and the message was, of all things, highly critical of seeker-sensitive mega-churches. Go figure. Here are some quotes from the sermon, which was one part of a series called "the Big Serve":

"Serving is love in action"
"Christians seem to like services more than serving... We like to be fed more than we like to feed."
"Serving, for a genuine Christ-follower, is NOT an option."
"Christian belief that costs you nothing is worth nothing"

So that was that. A great service. Great church. I'll definitely go back.. but I'll keep shopping for now.

Anndd then the afternoon was sort of rough. I missed Katrina a lot. There were visiting boy/girlfriends everywhere. Lots of reunited couples on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I smiled outside, seethed inside -- unfairly resenting the blissful lovers for no fault of their own. BUT I'm feeling better now. Anndd I will save the real gushy stuff for my own personal (and yet unfortunately neglected) journal.

Alright, I need to sleep now. And whatever the time stamp on this post is.. it must be wrong.
If you are reading this, I love you.
More on life later,



J2J said...

Sounds like a really productive weekend, ha ha. It was great talking to you yesterday. We love you & miss you.
P.S. POST SOME PICTURES! We want to 'see' your life

MBoden said...

Glad to hear that the little things you bought shopping weren't too "little." Love the blog Josh. Keep it up!