Monday, January 12, 2009

You Are Not Forgotten


This is just a quick posting to say "hi" and "I'm sorry." It has almost been a month since my last posting, and even though I am back at school now, I couldn't find the time yesterday to write up a posting. I apologize. My negligence is completely unacceptable. If you are reading this, then I feel especially bad because that means you have been checking the page and seeking the usual riveting tales of adventure that characterize my life. And I have failed to deliver.

Right now, I need to run off to class and lunch and everything, but hopefully I can start on a full post tonight.

I have not forgotten you, my devoted readership. Stay tuned!



J2J said...

We wait with baited breath... don't leave us hanging out to dry too much longer! ha ha
Love Mom xoxo

MBoden said...

Still waiting . . . :-)