Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hey world,

It's late on a Thursday evening. Life, to put it simply, has been great lately. But I don't have much time to talk about that. Because in the morning, I embark on another mini-adventure. An adventure within an adventure.

I'm spending the weekend in Stockholm. (I just like saying that. Not every day I'll be able to answer the So, what did you do this weekend question with, "Oh, you know, not much. Went to Stockholm. Hung out.")

So that should be awesome. Got a whole bunch of buses and planes to catch on the way, but by the end of it I'll have conquered a little more of Northern Europe. That's right. I'm here to conquer.

In other news, I'm a couple weeks into my practicum at Klaipedos 2-oji Specialoji Mokykla (Klaipeda 2nd Special School), where I shadow a school psychologist, and spend my mornings playing/teaching developmentally disabled children. It's a lot of colouring, playing, tutoring, and the odd English lesson too. Great times. Much more on that to come.

Hope wherever you are right now, you feel loved and blessed. Because you are.
Aight. Peace for now!

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