Sunday, January 25, 2009

back to basics.


It's Sunday afternoon, meaning only one thing for me and my horde of faithful readers -- another addition to this building saga. Where it will end, only God knows...

It's been another good week; nothing all that remarkable happened. It went by really fast, which is always nice. Class is great. I'd love to say I've learned a lot, but it would be more accurate to say that I've just gained some fresh perspectives on certain theological topics. Enthusiastic teaching and inconclusive class discussions can only get so far before we need to put down our pens and acknowledge the ultimate inferiority of our own intellect. That's not to say, however, that theology is a useless pursuit; rather, it is just one field of study that necessitates complete humility. God is so vastly beyond all our understanding that no one could ever claim to come close to comprehension... but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

I'm currently (well, when I'm done this) working on our one-and-only essay for the class. It's an exegetical paper on any passage of scripture, written from the perspective of one of the theologians we covered in class. I'm writing a theological analysis of Psalms 12 with the voice of Gustavo Gutierrez (a Latin-American professor and father of 'Liberation Theology'). In other words, I'm analyzing God's promises to overcome injustice from the perspective of the poor. It really is interesting to contemplate the Gospel from the position of the world's oppressed and suffering. Try it sometime.

Work! Yes, I've worked 6.5 hours since my last post. If you recall, I was really nervous to start, and I was especially nervous before/during my first call. BUT I survived... and, actually, it went really well. I raised $65 for my fellow students! I still have to get more accustomed to our 'scripts' and all of that, but my first two days of work were surprisingly fun. Thank you so much for prayers and encouragement and all that good stuff! I'll start working a full 10-hours a week in February.

*scratches head and tries to remember other matters of significance*

Oh! Swimming is almost over. We'll have practices this week and then our final meet on Saturday. Depending on how well I do there, I might have another month of practices and meets, but I'm not planning (er...expecting) to do very well. It's been fun, but I'm looking forward to moving on.

J-Term will be over on Wednesday, which means by Wednesday night pretty much everyone around here will be gone, save a few athletes and friends from faraway. So I'll have a quiet few days until classes resume on Monday. Maybe I'll blog earlier...

Church this morning was good. We went to a different church down the road, called Country and Town Baptist, to support Elise (she was playing in the worship band). The small-town church experience is a lot different from the regular CLA mega-church service, but I liked it. The message was about the importance of church, and how, well, Christians should go to church. "If we miss church and do not 'miss' church, something is wrong."

Hmm.. well, that's pretty much been life lately. Still waking up late, still doing devos, still going to class, swimming, eating, and now working. I'm excited about the start of Spring Semester, but also a little apprehensive about my workload.

Thanks so much for ... everything!
I hope I've once again quenched your thirst for details, but if there's anything you'd like to know more about, let me know!

added later:
I just realized I never said anything about what I've done between the regular chores. I wouldn't want you thinking that my life is void of fun... oh no, not at all.

Some extracurricular highlights this past week included a trip to a Salvation Army Thrift Store, movies, and waffles. The second semester has found many students scrambling for jobs or pinching pennies more than ever. Wednesdays at Sal-Val (as it's known) are 50% off most items, and it was interesting to note the number of Messiah kids browsing for vintage T-shirts and flannels.

I watched a few movies this week, the highlight being The Secret Life of Bees in the campus theater on Friday. Getting seated after the lights had dimmed caused me to miss the slightly embarrassing girl:guy ratio. Oh well, I have no shame. It was still a really intense, powerful, moving, heart-warming, movie... and I see nothing wrong with that.

After the movie, a few of us went out for late-night waffles. Nothing hits the spot like a very early morning breakfast. But don't worry, Mom, we got back and were lying snug in our beds by 10:00 pm (give or take a few).

Okay I think I'm really done now.
I'm off to the Fiction Family concert. I'm ticket-taking; it makes me feel important.


g-ram said...

Josh I am glad you are learning. I am glad that you are learning not just facts and knowledge but the Holy Spirit is translating that into wisdom. I think that sometimes wisdom and humility are interchangeable. Use your powers for good and do try to make sure that you do fun things that help you share smiles.
Don't give up, my friend.

J2J said...

I find your comments about your coursework really interesting. I would imagine that studying theology is indeed very humbling. Also glad to hear you're still having fun and still getting to bed nice and early every night. :)
Love + kisses, Mom